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Build Your Dream Retreat Workshop with Beth Kruger

Ever dreamt of curating the perfect retreat that speaks directly to the soul of your ideal client? That dream is about to become a reality!

Join us on October 4th at She Works from 10 AM - 2 PM for an immersive, hands-on workshop with Beth Kruger. This isn’t your typical sit-and-listen session—we're diving deep into everything you need to know to create a retreat that's not only memorable but also profitable. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and craft an experience as unique as you are.

What You’ll Learn:

We’re covering five essential elements to ensure your retreat hits all the right notes:

1. Your Ideal Client
Forget the cookie-cutter approach—this is all about zeroing in on exactly who your retreat is for. Beth will guide you through identifying and understanding the deep desires, needs, and pain points of your dream participants. This isn’t just about demographics; it’s about truly understanding what makes your ideal client tick and how your retreat can be the transformative experience they’ve been searching for.

2. Your Theme
Here’s where your creativity gets to shine. Your retreat’s theme is the heartbeat of the experience, setting the tone and differentiating it from the countless others out there. Whether your focus is on wellness, adventure, personal development, or a unique blend, Beth will help you articulate a theme that aligns perfectly with your passion and resonates powerfully with your ideal clients.

3. Your Ideal Location
Location, location, location—it’s more than just a pretty backdrop; it’s a critical part of the retreat experience. We’ll explore how to choose a spot that not only fits your theme but also elevates the overall vibe of your retreat. From tranquil mountain hideaways to luxurious beachfront villas, you’ll learn how to find and secure the perfect venue that brings your vision to life.

4. Pricing for Profit
Let’s talk money. We’ll break down the art of pricing your retreat so that it’s a hit with attendees and lucrative for you. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a strategy that balances incredible value with ensuring you get paid what you’re worth. You’ll walk away with a pricing plan that’s competitive and profitable.

5. Marketing for a Sold-Out Retreat
Your retreat is amazing—now let’s make sure the world knows it! Beth will delve into strategies for creating buzz, building urgency, and leveraging tools like social media, email marketing, and partnerships to ensure your retreat is the hottest ticket in town. You’ll leave with a clear, actionable marketing plan to drive interest and achieve sell-out success.

Ready to Make It Happen?

Turn your dream into a tangible, profitable reality. Join Beth Kruger at She Works for this transformative workshop, and walk away with the confidence and tools to create a retreat that’s not just a getaway but a life-changing experience for you and your clients.

Register Here!

October 3

Signature Story: How to Use it to Build Your Brand and Market Your Business Workshop

October 22

Perimenopause Party Announcement!